I have had problems doing the above I am using Sony TCD-D7 and have plugged into back of G5 using Digital IN/OUt I have set the prefs accordingly maybe wrongly ?
and done the following > I get no reading when using log & capture any ideas. Thanks. John
To record from DAT into FCP 4 using a G5.
Plug DAT into back of G5 in Digital IN + OUT (at G5 back OUT top and IN bottom)
Open FCP - go to menu Final cut pro drag > Audio/ Video Settings Click on Capture Presets Tab.
(DEFAULT Setting should be DV PAL 48khz change to Generic Capture template at bottom - click on DUPLICATE name eg: DAT Digital AUDIO - Quicktime Audio Settings should be set to > Device > Built-in Audio Input > Digital IN > Rate > 48.000khz
Leave ticked Capture Card Supports and
Go into LOG & CAPTURE SETTINGS CAPTURE > audio Only and CH1 + CH2 or stereo.
Device control Preset - (DEFAULT is FIREWIRE PAL) should be ticked > Non-Controllable device