Database corruption??

Captain Code

Staff member
I just noticed that there are some weird things showing up in the middle of people's sentances.

I've seen stuff like "—just my 2¢— " and "—XAQ", which to me, show up as partly Korean characters:confused:

I don't know if it's just me or what, but it's weird :p
Originally posted by devonferns
I just noticed that there are some weird things showing up in the middle of people's sentances.

I've seen stuff like "—just my 2¢— " and "—XAQ", which to me, show up as partly Korean characters:confused:

I don't know if it's just me or what, but it's weird :p

While there has been database corruption here in the past, what you describe is just typical internet lingo. don't worry about it
OK, had I gotten an email about a reply to this thread(see the thread in this forum for more info) I would be able to make myself look not so stupid :p

There were Korean characters there when I posted, and were in place of the "—" in both of the examples I posted, and now they don't appear there.

Maybe this will show up or maybe not, but it was something like

"하Just my 2¢하"

with the same Korean letters on either side of the words, that's what I was talking about.

Yeah, I know what just my 2¢ means lol:p , I was refering to the Korean letters appearing in the middle of sentances for no apparant reason.

In case some people can't view the above characters, trust me, they are in Korean :p and appeared all over the board one night.
devon, a funny thing happens when I try to view your posts. On my PC, IE gives a 16-bit crash. I think it's your korean. :)
Also, I'm uploading a much larger font right now to my server which you should be able to download an hour(or longer... slow 33.6Kbps upload) after this post

you can get it here when it's uploaded if you want.

It's quite large though, around 15 megs.