Dead Links Argghghgh


Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I couldn't find a search button for this topic. I'm running Mac OSX 10.2.8 using Safari, Internet Explorer and Netscape. I frequently encounter dead links (buttons that can;t be clicked)
the same sites on all three browsers have the same dead links. So Im assumng that it's my computer? Someone had mentioned a host file for blocking ads but I can't seem to locate that file? Any help anyone could offer
would be great My wife and I can't utilixe half of the sites we want. Are they just not Mac compatable or do I have a boo boo mac on my hands.Thanks :D
nepamac, welcome to the forum.
Sometimes I bump on such sites as well. Buttons are not properly linked so when you press them, nothing happenes. Yeah, but give us some examples
I will post specific URLs when they occur. Thanks for the welcome. Alex

ps: why isn't there a search function on this forum? it would keep things
from being reposted 10000 times over, or not.
Look at the Menu Bar across the top;

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Do you have JavaScript disabled on all 3 of the browsers you mentioned?

Do you have any pop-up blockers enabled?
Every person who's replied to your question has asked that you include some links...

You haven't, so I can't imagine that we can do anyting more to help you.