Default browser settings in 10.2


I'm using 10.2.1 and I have several web browsers installed. I choose not to use IE 5.2.2 except for testing purposes (I'm a web designer).

I've gone to the Intenet Preference Pane and chosen Navigator (Chimera) as my default, but every time I quit System Preferences and then reopen it, IE is my default again.

Does anyone have this same issue? I really don't want to automatically use this browser when I click on email links, etc.

This must be another Micro$oft plot!!

Advice welcome.
hmm.. I don't have a problem resetting my default browser... sorry!
Try the usual restart the computer, and double check that your selecting the "navigator" app correctly ( for chimera )


Yep, I think it is a MS plot, but I can't prove it.

I've had (and seen others express) this complaint for some time time. I tried several of those "This worked for me" solutions, but they never would hold. Then, I developed my not so elegant solution. I feel like it is using a twenty-pound sledge hammer to kill a fly, but, as I said, none of the other solutions would hold. At least with my solution, the fly stays dead.

I compressed (using Stuffit) Internet Explorer and trashed the uncompressed copy of IE, keeping the .sit file. I rarely use IE, but if I ever need it, I expand it, use it, and trash the uncompressed copy of IE when I'm through. Now, IE never launches on my machine unless I want it to launch.

It's not elegant, but it works 100% of the time.

I was searching other forum sites and I found the following.....
Like many, I don’t use the Internet Explorer to browse the web (that honor goes to Chimera). Unfortunately, 10.2 has a nasty caching bug that prevents users from changing the Default Web Browser. Well, the System Preferences (Internet -> Web tab -> Default Web Browser) will let you change the setting, but the cache will prevent the new setting froom taking effect.

One day, I got bored and read Chimera Release Note. Under "Known Issues", I found:
Sometimes, on Mac OS 10.2 (Jaguar), Navigator won't stick as your default browser. If you have this problem, try removing the following files

* ~/Library/Caches/ (where ~ is your Home directory)
* /Library/Caches/

and reboot your machine.It may take one or two tries to get it working, but this really works! Close all running applications, flush the cache files, change the default web browser, flush the cache again (if they exist), and reboot.

This worked for me! I hope others have success as well.
Originally posted by jasonbarak
I was searching other forum sites and I found the following.....
Like many, I don’t use the Internet Explorer to browse...
This worked for me! I hope others have success as well.


Did this work?
