No what you are talking about is emulation, not what is really happening as a
reality of a UNIX filesystem. see further comments bellow.
Also take a look at this page just to give you a flavour:
Thats just a few snippets from SGI.
UNIX filesystems DON'T' share the same limitations as they implement their own FS, its the UNIX tools provided that cause the perception problem your running into. These problems are compounded by Apple not taking care of the UNIX it relies on. I bet you Apple has real working versions of UNIX backup that work, but if implemented would give vendors no place to sell anything.
UNIX vendors provide extra command sets to make available to the user the extended benefits of their filesystems, i.e Logical volumes, growing filesystems
For small or semi single user systems, arbititrarily moving system and data files around the system and still have it working is is fine, but in the end you have to go looking for them using FIND. However for terabytes of data and hundereds of users, stuff will be unmanageable.
As I said the REAL filesystem, that the vendors put out, underneath is wholey different and can be made to do almost anything, those attributes are used by companies like ORACLE, Sybase, high availability systems to maximize product performance. VFS is a good example, in that Veritas sell a filesystem for UNIX vendors. I've been saying this for well over a year on this bulletin board about the fact that Apple only attend to a small portion of UNIX before it takes you no further. Hence there was a "restore" but no "dump" in 10.0, crackers!, there were as host of other missing bits and pieces.
The moving of files around the system and being kept track of is software based, i.e. in MAE (macintosh Application Environment) this was all emulated quite happily, whilst running on a SparcStation under its UFS filesystem, it was the MacOS writting what it needed using UFS, Aliases worked fine, moving the the
Applications folder worked fine whilst using the Aliases under Solaris 2.x. What didn't work was moving /dev into /tmp via MAE, Solaris died instantly.
Apple could quite easily make a version of "dump" and "restore" that worked properly, each of all the other UNIX vendors DO for their extended filesystems.
"dd" should work as it copies the platter, i.e. dd if=/dev/disk1 of=/dev/disk2,the formatting and partitions as well, its slower as it copies all blanks space as well.
CPIO is POSIX compliant, Apple implement it (its supposed to work!), I wonder if it does work?
What it is your looking at under UNIX, i.e. command line executables will present UNIX information that has been interpreted for you in the accepted manner as outlined in "man", the filesystem underneath is completely different and can do many other things.
Remember UNIX is not in reality CODE but, an emulation of, services provided. I could go and write a UNIX, over the next 12 hundered years, that has code which bears no resemblance to anybody elses but woudl bee accepted as a UNIX. Ok there is BSD which you can download and System V which you would have to license, but the code is no where near the same.
Windows NT could quite happily considered a UNIX if it were to change the interface and access to the services which a UNIX is supposed to serve. This is public domain info. But you would'nt know at the end of the day, that you were actually using a MicroSoft product. Do you see what I am getting at, lots of people make the same assumption, but its only a fraction of the story.
Same with UNIX filesystems, they are in reality completely capable of being used in any mode you wish, its just that the standard set of UNIX commands always produce the standard interpretation of the filesystem, thats what they are meant to do. Thats why SUN have a UFSDUMP and SGI have a XFSDUMP, which dump entire filesystems properly even all the extended functionality underneath which the user doesn't normally see, the admin can detect the difference. Why didn't a HFSDUMP ever get made (I thougt there was one once), for a standalone system buying a product is nonsense, for truly big systems a purchased standlone solution won't cut it, you have then to move to NetBackup or Legato for corporate solutions.
Case insensitivity is just plain "BAD", fix the basics first. "System.txt" is the same as "system.txt". Having multiple copies around a system.....well I'll let you work the simplest example (in this case an Alias would have to keep an absolute path), connect this to other servers, NT, SUN, SGI, HP, DEC, Linux is going to be a heap problems that you can't fix.
Connecting to and NT domain (which will happen at work), NTFS is case sensitive, having System.Txt" or/and "system.TXT" on that server as well will give you the wrong file!. I said all this from the start 10.0, they've fixed some of of it but Apple has a way to go with its filesystem.
I'm going on way to long, I may have explained or pointed out some things, but solved nothing, Apple have to do it.