Delayed Interface Sounds?


So I am finally getting around to asking about this. I have a PB 667 DVI and off and on my interface sounds seem to be delayed about 5 seconds. For example, if I through something in the trash it will make that "click" sound a few seconds later. Another example would be if I clear the history in Explorer it presents a dialog box, but it will only beep after I hit OK...

Any ideas what is going on? I am running 10.2.2 and this is the only computer I have seen this happen to.
Always happens to my iBook 600Mhz. When I happened to use a 700Mhz eMac, it also happened, while the delay wasn't relevant on a 867DP PowerMac.
It is annoying, so I was thinking about disabling the sounds (anyway they are a shame vs. OS 9 appearance sounds, and as far as I know they're not configurable... no wookie growls when I trash something). :p