Deleting a back up of apps


I wanted to make a b.u. of my Office2008:Mac install disk. I thought that was allowable. In any event, I was using disk utility and it all seemed to go well...until it didn't. I finally got everything to stop spinning and stalling, but now I have a BU burn folder sitting on the desktop.

If I try and drag it to trash I get an "error, can't continue" message.
I don't want to lose the apps.....everything seems to be working okay.

So, if I drag these to my app delete app will it affect the workings of the office apps on the computer?

Very confusing because the folder sitting in the burn folder indicates it is the Office apps (They are also on the hard drive).

Apparently this has also been causing lots of spinning of the pinwheel....and messages from ONYX that my volume needed to be repaired.