Deleting *certain* items from Library/Receipts


I know a lot of people say never to delete anything from the folder Library/Receipts, but how about:

printer brands you don't own/use
applications you've deleted


I have about ten receipts for NeoOffice updates--would it be ok to delete all but the last?


a system package for 10.3.9--i know normally not to touch apple system stuff but if you've been using tiger from day one practically and plan to upgrade to leopard soon is it ok to throw out a panther-related receipt?


P.S. i know i need to delete other things (movies basically) because i'm down to a couple gigs of free space on my HD
Deleting receipts you can get a few kilobytes per deleted receipt.
If you need space, removing the files you don't need, and all unneeded localizations (for 10.5, the localizations take at least 3 GB .. not including iLife or other non-strictly Mac OS X apps)