Deleting Classic


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Awhile back I re-installed OS X on my laptop and apparently unclicked the option to install OS 9 disk drivers when the hard drive was erased. Now because of that I have a Classic folder that can only be used through OS X; I cannot restart into Classic by itself since the proper drivers aren't installed, and have no way to install them other then to re-install everything. Since I don't use Classic, I want to get rid of the folders on my laptops hard drive to free up some space. The problem is that I cannot delete them. How do I go about getting rid of the Classic system folder?
First, go to Utilities>Disk Utility and verify and repair permissions. Now you should be able to trash the Classic folders. Just make sure you are trashing the OS 9 folder. And you can also trash the Applications(Mac OS9).

Are you getting a message box giving the reason why the folder can not be deleted?
You can also open Terminal and type "sudo rm -d -f " (yes, with a space at the end), drag your OS 9 System Folder to the command line, and push enter. Put in your password and you're done.
In my user account, I get an error saying something like "this folder cannot be deleted because it is owned by root." After I log into root, it gives me an error saying "this folder cannot be deleted because it is being used by the System."
Using the command Arden listed, Terminal gave me an error telling me that the directory couldn't be removed because it wasn't empty. So I went to the Finder and opened the folder and deleted everything in it, went back and tried it again and it gave me the same error. After that I typed "cd /System\ Folder" to get into the system folder and then "ls -a" to list all files with a . or .. in front (the hidden files) and the .DS_Store file that keeps track of viewing preferences. So I typed "sudo rm .DS_Store" to get rid of that file then cd .. to back up a directory, then continued with the code Arden wrote above. That finally got rid of the folder itself and right now I'm working on repairing permissions on my hard drive just to make the computer happy. Thank you very for your all your help!
Sorry... I misread the man file. It should have been -r instead of -d. But it sounds like you've got it figured out.

By the way, and this is advice I tell everyone regarding UNIX commands (when I remember), whenever someone tells you to run a UNIX command, always type "man *command*" first (replace *command* with the command, like rm). So if I told you to do "sudo rm /blah/blah/blah" you should enter "man rm" first.
Unless you're positive of the results. you should not post any Unix commands. You could help someone erase something important or do some damage to their system.