Deleting Context Menu items

Dean M

I have two and sometimes three of the same apps. listed when I select the 'Open With' option in a context menu.
I would like to delete those duplicates..... In an earlier Thread, bobw suggested a utility named Zingg.
That's an interesting choice, but doesn't address my problem..
Anyone have any other ideas ?
Thanks. Dean M
Hi. I'm answering my own question. The reason you get multiple apps. in 'Open With' context menu is a corrupted 'launch services' database.
After several hours of searching I found a downlodable Apple Script written by
Cuneyt Ocaklilar here:

It downloads and appears on the desktop as an application which you can place in you App. Folder.
Just to be safe, I did a 'rapair permissions' and rebooted before installing the script. IT WORKED LIKE A CHARM. Hope this helps someone out there !
Dean M
Onyx has an option to rebuild the Launch Services Database and specifically mentions the problem of the "Open With" contextual menus.

lol! you answered your own question...thta'z funny!!! (no problem, I talk to myself alllll the time).