Deleting items owned by root


I am attempting to delete an item owned by root. The reason is that I purchased a new HP Lasterjet 1320 and installed it. The installation went fine, other than an application called Toolbox, provided by HP on their CD, did not install properly. The installation of it opened a web page trying to do something as part of this installation. That failed.

I run OS 9 and OS X, v10.2.8 on my G4. I run 9 because I use Pagemaker. My previous printer, an HP inkjet, worked in both OS's.

After installation, the 1320 would print in OS X, but not in 9. I also could not find available the duplex printing features necessary.

I phoned HP and spent (4) four hours on the phone with a tech support person. He directed me to discard certain files to do an uninstall. He also told me that I should not have installed the toolbox, because it has issues.

As part of his direction to uninstall the toolbox, he directed me to delete a file called hpToolboxStartup, found in Library/Startup items/hpToolbox Startup. When I tried to do that, it told me that I could not delete it because it belonged to root.

He tried a workaround on that, asking me to create another user, thinking that it would have better root access than my admin account, but it did not.

After four hours of his assistance, he told me that he was giving up, and that I should contact Apple, as it probably had to do with something called CUPS.

After these four hours of assistance, I could not print anything, with any printer. So.... assistance in this case made me much worse off than I had been before.

I have the idea that if I deleted this toolbox file I might be able to get back to where I had been before, and perhaps install again and have two working printers.

What are your thoughts? ....and thanks for your assistance.

I have found reference to an OS X application called Terminal, but my limited and unconfident attempt to use it did not get me to where I could delete that file.
If you don't know Unix you are probably well advised to stay away from Terminal. There are several apps that delete that file for you without resorting to the Terminal command line. The one I have used since the OS X Public Beta is FileXaminer (shareware $10).
Thank you.... I have since gotten it deleted, using Netinfo Manager to get to root. I did get it deleted, but have no success yet in the installation of the printer.