Deleting junk mail from a server


I get a lot of spam and Mail is quite good at dealing with it. However when I use my webmail, all the spam is still on the server which makes it a bit of a pain to use. Is there a way of getting Mail to leave good messages on the server (for a week or two as it does usually) but to delete the junk straight away, or even once a day or whatever. I couldn't work out how to do this with rules so I had a look at doing it in AppleScript but I couldn't find anything in Mail's dictionary either. Any ideas?
You could set a rule that would delete junk mail straight away.

In the rules, create a new rule. Set the "If" section to "Message is junk mail" and set the "Perform the following actions" to either:

a) Delete message
b) Move Message to Trash

That would at least confiscate all the junk mail to the trash folder, so it wouldn't be in your inbox or junk mail folder.
mail preferences have that option. just "remove immediately" (in the "accounts" "options") from server if junk mail.
But I think monktus' question is can it be set in to delete junk mail from the server right away and leave the rest of the mail on the server for the week.

So checking mail on the web won't encounter duplicate spam copies but keep the recent mail copies intact.
Exactly evildan. It's easy enough to set rules that delete junk locally but I'd like to automatically delete junk on the server. As far as I can see it's not possible with the built in rules, and although I had quick look in Mail's AppleScript dictionary, nothing leapt out at me there either. Do you think it's possible with AppleScript? I was hoping someone had already managed to do something similar.

Giaguara, I had a look in accounts but the options for removing mail from server only seem to cover time periods and 'if moved from inbox'. I thought about that option but some of my mail automatically goes into other folders so it would be deleted too.

Thanks for the help anyway guys.
I forgot that I posted this ages ago. I'd still quite like to find a solution and I'd imagine it would be useful for other people too, any ideas?