Deleting OS from drive


Whats the best way to delete the OS from a drive? I have 3 drives in my mac and I have Jaguar, Tiger and Leopard on the three. Everytime a new OS came out, I just bought a new drive and installed it on the new drive and transfered data over. Now, I want to get rid of Jaguar to free up a drive for data use. The drive has data on it as well that I dont want to lose so should I just transfer that data and reformat the drive? or can I just delete the OS folders and be done with it?
The "cleanest" solution would be to reformat the drive, backing up your necessary files first. I don't remember what drives will be formatted as in Jaguar, but you may want to update the format if it's different.
There are hidden files that a simple deletion of system files might not catch. What I would do if you went this route; would be to first enable viewing of hidden files. You can do this by opening Terminal, and typing:
# defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
# KillAll Finder
(you can change YES to NO to hide them again, and you should when you're done)
Once you can see hidden files, open up your Jaguar drive, and transfer all needed documents to a single top-level directory. Once you have everything, you can just delete the remaining directories. You should do this all while booted in Leopard.