Deleting pics in iPhoto: How??


How can I delete pictures in iPhoto? I mean, it reorganizes my pictures placing them in folders and renames all of them. So when I try to delete a picture from within iPhoto, i´m just deleting the link. That way the pic will not appear on my albuns anymore, but the file is still there. So I tried to delete from the Finder but I can´t find the god dam picture because iPhoto renamed all my stuff!! Any suggestions about it?

Sorry about my english, ok? It´s not my native language...
That was my first problem, too. I tried everything imaginable. Finally I searched the help and it said "highlight the picture and press the delete key." Then I felt stupid.
Well, deleting the highlighted picture deletes the LINK to it, so it won't appear on the albuns anymore. But what I want is to delete the FILE. When I delete the link I cannot see the picture but it keeps eating my hard drive space. As I said before, I cannot remove it manually neither because I can't find the file by myself from the Finder due to the reorganization that iPhoto did.

Did I make myself clear? I hope so! :)
I don't have my Mac in front of me @ the moment, so this is all from memory....

iPhoto exhibits yet another wart here. If you simply want to remove the reference for an image, the way is to highlight the image and hit backspace. That is only useful for removing an image from an album, not really the Library since, once it's gone, there's not a simple way to track it down and add it again.

The other way is, as noted, to highlight and press Delete. Every time I've done this, it opens a slip asking whether I want to remove the reference only or the reference and the file.

Problem is, that this effectively overloads the delete key meaning that you could use it for both functions, but the backspace key is only for removing references. All well and good until you're on a 'Book that only has backspace (or am I forgetting something here?).

Just keep saying to yourself "It's only version 1.0.. it's only version 1.0... it's only version 1.0...." :)
I am on an iMac with the pro keyboard. My keyboard does not have the "backspace" key, only the "delete" and the "del" keys. Both keys when pressed shows me the same result. A dialog box comes up with the text:

Are you sure you want to permanently remove the selected photo from the library (and all albuns)?"

I click "yes" and the reference is deleted but, as I said, the file is still there. :(

Sorry guys, I was completely wrong. It DOES delete the file.... I've made a few more tests and checked it out.

Dumb boy! :)
I think it works like this:

If you try to delete a picture while you're in an album then only the link to the file will be deleted. If you instead are in your "Photo library" and try to delete a picture, then the dialog will pop up and ask you if you want to delete the file too.
I was confused at first, as well. But then I realized it works just like iTunes.

If you are looking at a list of songs in a Playlist and you delete one, it doesn;t delete the file, it just deletes the song from the playlist. But if you're in your Library, and you hit delete, it deletes the file. Same ting in iPhoto, except it's photos in albums, but there still in your Library.

By the way, personally, i don;t think it should just be delete. I think it should be CMD+Delete - it's just to easy to hit delete. Plus, to 'tell' the computer to do something for you, you are supposed to COMMAND it to do so.

No big deal, but I prefer the consistency.