Deleting posts?

I seem to remember that there used to be a way to delete posts on this board, but recently I checked, and it seems to have disappeared... am I just not looking in the right place, or was I just stoned beforehand?
This was brought up at least twice on the forums, search for it ;) In one of the threads someone explains it properly. Basically it's a refund for people who had a G3 and didn't install OS x...or something like that.
I think ThisBeChuck was asking something concerning a G3 refund (or something of that nature). TotalKonfuzion however, pointed out that there was already a few posts about this. Then, ThisBeChuck attempted to delete his post, but couldn't, and instead edited his message (asking where the delete function went). This puts TotalKonfuzion's reply totally out of context.

Okay... now why did I explain that again?
because of abuses of this privelge in the past, only mods can delete posts and they can't delete their own. whne you need a thread deleted, contact a mod or simply edit your post to request this and they will delete it when they see it. keep in mind that you only have one week in which to edit a post as well.
at this point, let's just leave it. it might inform others who were wondering the same thing. and just so you know as well, we don't really delte posts permanently anymore. threads get moved to a special forum where we can move them back if need be. and posts are now stored by vb so that an admin can make them visible again if deemed worthy. when dealing with questionable posts, i have advised mods to err on the side of caution and remove first, debate second. with this system we can place things back the way they were if a review warrents such action.
I know post deletion was removed to prevent abuse, but I wonder if there is a way you could enable it with a limit, like 3 minutes, so if we discover that we've double-posted we can delete it ourselves.