Desktop folder isn't regional!



I'm new to this forum, as i haven't had any luck in finding answer to my question Googling.

I'm using 10.7.2, regionalized to danish. I've been fiddling with hidden files and folders, using the terminal command defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE, and changed back and forth. Unfortunately the dekstop foler in my Favorites-list, is now in english, instead of danish! All other items is still in english, but this particular one, has decided to live a life on it's own.

I've been trying the following:
  • Repairing disc and permissions, both from within OSX and from CMD+R in bootup
  • Running Onyx
  • Change language to english and back to danish
None of which has helped.

It isn't possible to just delete the folder and have it recreated, as OSX complains it is needed by the system, and neither to change the folder name.

Any good suggestions on what I can do or try?

Hello fellow Dane :)

Apple is using some tricks to implement
  • hiding the Library folder
  • dis-abling the possibility for deleting standard folders
  • localizing standard folders
The Terminal command that shows everything is this :
ls -laeO@
  • l : show the long information about a file/folder
  • a : also show hidden files/folders starting with '.'
    Apple uses a hidden file to indicate that a folder name has to be localized. If you cd into one of the standard folders you ought to find a file named .localized. If this file is missing, the folder will be shown in English. You can create this file if it's missing with this command : touch .localized
  • e : show ACL information
    Apple uses this to make it impossible to delete the standard folders. You can circumvent this by removing the ACL and then subsequently deleting the folder. The command for removing the ACL is : chmod -N <file/folder-name>
  • O [capital-o] : show flags in the long format
    Apple uses this to hide the Library folder. To make it permanently visible you can enter this command : chflags nohidden Library
  • @ : show extended attributes