Desktop locked on my mac os x 10.7

Bottom left corner of the dock is the Finder icon. You inadvertently quit the finder, just click the icon and it will reappear.
The music i was downloading was in a zip file from the flashdrive. I was always able to find the music, it just scared me because it erased the actual files and icons i had on the desktop. Also when it erased that it said that desktop was locked in red letters. I have now figured out that what was locked had nothing to do with the actual desktop, instead one of the zip files i downloaded is locked . It is actually called desktop, but i know the password, its the same as the other ones i unzipped. So what else could be the reason that this file is locked? How do i extract the data in it?
In future, it's likely a Bad Idea™ to use the name Desktop for the name of a file or folder that you will be copying to your desktop. If you have no control over the name, then move the file inside another folder before trying to extract anything. Make a new folder just for this purpose, if you don't have another available to you.