Desperately Seeking Answers


Good Day - I recently installed Mac OSX Server 10.3.x with the thought of using it mainly for its VPN capability. Using PPTP(Internet Connect) I can authenticate and connect into the server from my home.
When I connect as Administrator, all Shared items are available and all works great.
When I connect as a user I have set up in the Workgroup Manager Accounts I have problems. I connect/authenticate and show as connected, but I can't access anything (no Shared drives/files)on the LAN or the Server. My connection Log in "Internet Connect" shows connected, but I begin getting Protocol Reject Errors. I have no such problems IF I connect from the same Mac, at the same time, but using the "Administrator" account. What have I done wrong???

Sorry this is so long.


Acktom a.ka. Desperate