Desprately Seeking Software (Web)

El Perro Loco


I am a Mac neophyte. I have a fairly decent web page set up on my ibm, and am looking for something I can use on a g4 pb so I can work on my page while I am on the road, then transfer it back to my ibm server. Any suggestions?
Well, it depends how extensive your web development will be. You could be like the UNIX purists and use Emacs. ;) There's also Nvu ( which was spun-off from the Editor component in the Mozilla Suite (I use this to update my web page). This is free and open source software. You could also get one of the commercial apps like DreamWeaver and others.

Lots of options available, and I know there will be many posts from other users here about some I haven't mentioned or even though of.
What do you use on the PC?

If you're used to writing code, write code on your Mac (look into SubEthaEdit, Tag, TextWrangler). If you're used to WYSIWYG, most programs for that purpose on the PC are also available on the Mac, including Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe GoLive. Heck, even Microsoft Word can output a website (though I strongly advise against that: Word struggles to output a Word document).