Originally posted by jareth Hey guys, I guess I can't see the forest for the trees...I installed the Developer CD, yet gcc is still nowhere to be found. What am I doing wrong?
probably don't have ur path set... u can find how to do that (I think) on darwinfo.org's faq, although my vague rememberence of the solution would be pico $Home/.cshc and then add path=[user/bin/ bin/ etc... ]
They had a good explanation before. What u can do in the meantime, is use sherlock (or if u dare, the unix find function which is tons and tons of fun) to find where gcc is located and then do /where/ever/it/is/gcc -what -ever You -want to.do Then it will find gcc.
Hey, thanks for the faq site, I'll check it out. But as for gcc, it's not anywhere on my drive. Is there a special way to install the developer CD or something? Everything appeared to install without error.