DHTML tabs Web Design help



I've created a dhtml tabs page for my companies internal IS homepage. I've got a problem though. The tabs work fine on all the windows system but on mac's the information and <div's> are all messed up and information doens't display correctly. I'm wondering if someone knows what could be wrong. I've attached a copy of the dhtml tabs page.

Thank you,



  • help.zip
    4 KB · Views: 12
How about a screen shot of what you want it to look like? If you can I'll rewrite and example for you. A lot has to do with the code and the script and some intertwined issues.
Hi mdnky, Thanks for your help.

Attached is 4 screen shots of how each of the tabs should be displayed. The sizes for the screenshot attachments where to big for one attachment so I will have four posts, one for each screenshot.

Thanks again,



  • tab1screenshot.zip
    77.7 KB · Views: 4
  • tab2screenshot.zip
    83.5 KB · Views: 2
  • tab3screenshot.zip
    82.1 KB · Views: 2
  • tab4screenshot.zip
    82.1 KB · Views: 2
I'll look at it in an hour or so and see if I can figure it out. Just an FYI&#8212;you can attach multiple attachments to one post (those limits are per file). Upload the first, then choose another and upload it, and so on. I went ahead and merged them to save space.
Hi mdnky,

I wondering if you have figured anything out yet. I found out that it does not have to do with a mac but with different browsers. It does not work on firefox on a PC. I'm still not sure exactly what's wrong though as according to the information I've been looking at the Javascript is using the code that is suppose to work acrossed all the browser platforms.

Thank you for any help you can provide,

Just an FYI, Dynamic Drive isn't really a good source for cross-browser (or cross-platfrom) scripts. When they initially hit the scene, they were notorious for delivering IE only scripts. It's definitely a case of IE-centric programming, I can tell you that from what I've seen.

I had to put off looking at it since it's finals week for me. I just finished the last one, so I'll look more into it here in a bit this evening or tomorrow sometime. Gotta clean the apartment and get ready for my flight home tomorrow&#8212;so if I don't get to it tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll definitely do it on the flight.

What browsers are you absolutely wanting to support? I'm assuming Safari, IE 6, Firefox, etc. What about older versions of IE? There might be a way to do this relatively easily with no JS at all and it would support the newer browsers, and on those it didn't it would degrade nicely (i.e. still be usable).
Hi again mdnky,

Thanks so much for your help. Yes I need support for Safari, IE 6, Firefox. It would be nice if it worked on netscape but I don't think anyone uses it at my work so that one is the least important to get working. We don't have to worry about support for older versions of IE as everybody at my work is updated with the same version. Thanks for the info on dynamic drive, I've been figuring that out all to well right now based off the scripts I'm using from them. I plan to be a bit more careful in the future when using scripts from places like dynamic drive.

Thanks again,

I didn't get as much time as I thought I'd have to work on this, but I did manage to get it to display properly under Safari (haven't checked on anything else). If I get some spare time later this week, I'll try to get you a copy of something less reliant on JS.

BTW: All that was required was the removal of the height statements on the the ID:tabcontentcontainer and DIV:deptinfo.

I'd strongly suggest going back in there and moving all the inline style statements out of the HTML and into the style-sheet, ridding yourself of those pesky BRs, and moving the styles contained within the STYLE tag in the head portion into the external stylesheet.

Good luck with it.


  • re-help.html.zip
    4.4 KB · Views: 5