Did anyone notice?


Is it normal that only a pc can view the blue scrollbar? Or is it just my mac (mac os 10.1.4)

Do you mean the blue scrollbars in this site?

AFAIK, scrollbar styles are supported in IE on the PC only... I could be wrong. Don't think they come up on IE 5.1 on my Mac at home.
I've only seen the scrollbars in IE on a PC. A bit ironic actually. The forum is (mainly) for Mac people, but it uses a script that only PC users (as far as I know) can see... ;)


Actually, I don't get any colored scroll bars in Win2000 with IE either...


I'm using Win2k and IE5.5, and they show up blue...

One thing to check on PC IE machines in whether IE is set up to ignore some styles or whatever... it may only ben an IE 5.5 and up thing though. Not sure.
blue scrollbars with win2k and IE 6. (I know my specs arent up to date! :rolleyes: )

I love scrolling in IE 6 with my Mouse. It so smoooooth! :cool:
Only on IE 5.5 or higher you have the colored scroll bars...

Anyway... who cares? I don't like them :D

It's better to have a nice site than to have colored scroll bars...


Oh, god. Thanks for that image... I forgot how bad this site looks on a PC :)

Whoa. And here I am, thinking IE for the Mac looks bad. I use OmniWeb because it looks better, but i might use IE because it's STILL better than that :)
Originally posted by Bluefusion

Oh, god. Thanks for that image... I forgot how bad this site looks on a PC :)

Ah, but just think how great it loooks in IE 6 under Luna. ;) :rolleyes:
Originally posted by googolplex
Who cares? It is proprietary Microsoft CSS. Don't use it.

But I see the blue scroll bars with Opera 6.02 browser on XP.

Yeah, but when MS come up with something like that, it's fairly easy for others to jump in and add support for tags like "scrollbar-background" and the like.

In point of fact, whilst these tags mayhave been proprietary once (I don't know), I don't think they are now... I'm sure I've seen them listed as supported style attributes on w3schools' CSS reference guides.