DID you subscribe to .Mac ?

DID you subscribe to .Mac ?

  • Yes, I'm .Mac'ed

  • No, but I will...

  • Never !

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windows viruses dont do sht to the mac's, its like your cat giving you the flu, it just doesnt happen ;) , ive used macs for well over 10 years n have only gotten 1 virus that wasnt even that destructive. and most viruses out there now are .exe or .vbs
I'm not trying to say that Windows viruses can run on Macs, because they can't.

But Macs still have the potentital to act as CARRIERS for Windows viruses. If a Windows user sends you a Word or an email infected with a virus, sure, it won't affect your Mac but if you send that file or email to another Windows user, you are just helping the virus to spread. Without virus detection software, you wouldn't be able to clean stuff to prevent further distribution.

It's not a hard concept. If you have happen to be immune to typhoid and you have it in your system, you don't go around coughing in people's faces. This isn't a matter of we being affected individually as Mac user, it's a matter of preventing viruses from being effective in general.
YEAH.... no .mac for me im 14 and cant afford it! I think my email should be free... now i have attbi email which isnt too bad. At keast i dont have to get email. I already have my own backup, virus stuff and didnt use homepage or idisk... i didnt need it! So no, i did not .mac and am not planning to.

Much Love,


the Mac Geekette
I totally agree with Vitaboy. Using anti-virus software may not be that much of a help to you directly, but indirectly you are helping the computer/internet community as a whole.

And let me also point out that there ARE virus' that are written specifically for Microsoft Office that will affect both Windows AND Mac users.

I signed up for a trial version of .mac. I like the webmail, it has a very nice interface. To me it seemed to load extremely slow compared to other webmail I've used. Maybe they are still getting things together with .mac?

As for iDisk, it's not too bad for uploading and syncing small files, but anything else such as programs or files over a MB, even with broadband, take too long to upload and sync, especially if you have a lot of them.

Backup is cool but not very good for large files such as movies and photos as it suggests, even with broadband.

I haven't tried iCard, I hardly send ecards anyhow.

Virus protection is a good thing, if only to stop people from spreading virii.

the Homepage builder is good for new users, but I have several domains with web hosting already and they are much cheaper than $100 a year. Newbies could also get free or subscription based homepage's from geocities or tripod for a lot less that $100 a year and just as functional.

All and all .mac is a nice suite of online utilities but I don't think I would ever considering subscribing to it for $100 a year.

I get 6 25MB POP3 accounts from my ISP for free. They are also accessable through the web as well.

iDisk would be cool but it just isn't very good for backing up large files on the fly.

If it was a few bucks a month I might subscribe just to help out Apple, but for $100, I honestly feel Apple is raping their customers.
:confused: Yep. Had to. 100 MBytes of HD space for the web site was what convinced me. Needed it for the girls, Oriskany Softball and to get 100 MBytes of HD space from my ISP would have meant much, much more than $100/year. Road Runner only gives you 5 MBytes of HD space for a web site so you can only imagine how much 100 MBytes would be. And oh yeah, I'll definitely use up that 100 MBytes! I do like the fact it is a one shot deal and not a monthly payment and my 1st year will be only $50. Who knows, by the time the renewal comes around, how much it will be.

:o I do think Steve Jobs should consider anybody who purchases OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) that a .mac account should be free for the 1st, say, 6 months or even a limited one like we have now for a year./:o
Even while running my own business and a second, after school, job there is no way I will ever come up with enough money to fork it over...especially if all I'm going to use my .mac account for would be the e-mail service.

So, no, I will never register with .Mac.
I brought my Mac to school today and power downloaded my iDisk to my hard drive in about 5 seconds. 10 Mbit Ethernet is soooo sweet! I'm now ready to let my TRIAL .Mac account fade into oblivion...take it away from me Steve.

One strange thing though, I can't download an old version of my resume. I get an error about having insufficient priviledges. Oh well, I don't need that old resume anyway.
a lot of people should really look at their options. if you're looking to host a web site, there are companies that charge $120 for 100MB + 25 email addresses and support for php, cgi, sql servers, etc. a domain is $10 a year now. you can be you@whateveryouwant.com for $130 a year. actualy, 25 yous@whateveryouwant.com. not to mention support and all that jazz. i doubt .mac has much (if any) support.
I'm still considering if I actually need such an account. At first I thought that Jobs required us to have .Mac for iCal, but then I went over the keynote again and realized that I can host it off my FTP server. Good.

Next, I took into consideration that I never ever use my iDisk. Pity to see 20 megs go to waste.

Third, now that I think about it, the only service I would use with .Mac is the iCards. I have my own e-mail address, and I can back up onto a CD if needed. Virus scanning is just lame, since no one writes viruses against Mac.

Going over the features, I made a conscious decision not to get .Mac.
I think I already said this somewhere, but the 100MB .mac joke incites me to tell this again:

.mac offers you 100MB at Internet speed for $100.
A CD-R offers you 700MB at CD-Drive speed for $1.

A broadband connection reaches a maximum of 16 Kb/s at uploading.
An iMac 4/8/24x CDRW-Drive burns a CD in 8 minutes.

You can burn 100 Cds for one year of .mac.
Burning 100 Cds will take 800 minutes, which you will need to upload 100MB on the .mac iDisk.

This whole thing means that you can burn 70 Go for the price of ONE year of .mac. I won't even develop on the fact that accessing the saved data on these CDs is faster than recovering it from the .mac iDisk.

I prefer 70Go if saved data to Virex and a @mac.com email :D.

Geez, every ISP gives you email for free. Why pay for this again? Errr, does it come with cake?
Originally posted by strobe

Geez, every ISP gives you email for free. Why pay for this again? Errr, does it come with cake?

Well this isn't a defense for .mac, but for the average Joe switching ISPs when they go under or he just feels like it, his email address will always change. I prefer having my own domain name, so my address never changes, wherever my email happens to be hosted. I guess the mac.com addresses are a cheaper alternative to that.
I'm .Mac'ed. :D I used it dozens of time and I still can get impressed by the ease of use of homepage. Now that I can get 100MB of stuff to share on those pages, I certainly wanted to pay, though I still think a bit pricey......

Now, about Jaguar.......:mad:
Jaguar is WELL WORTH its price. the argument: "this is the first true Mac OS X" just means that you shouldn't have bought it before! and din't you get 10.1 free? (plus "shipping" unless you went to the Apple store). but jaguar has tons of new features, and If we expect apple to keep on developing great stuff, we have to PAY them! .mac is a joke, simply because I only used email and I don' need an idisk or virus protection and I can backup my HD fine by myself. but Jaguar is a whole different story.
I agree, I think Jaguar may actually be worth the price (after reading http://www.apple.com/macosx/ carefully!) but i think .mac seems a bit expensive... I think there should be a free itools and the option to get a .mac account so people like me could keep their mac.com addresses, I happen to like mine thank you very much!
Originally posted by toast

A broadband connection reaches a maximum of 16 Kb/s at uploading.

Actually, I have a broadband connection (consumer earthlink DSL.. nothing fancy) and it averages 40KB/s uploading..

Oh and about Jaguar...what's this whining about? Apple always charges for big OS upgrades. I guess some of you were too young to remember 8.5? What a joyous moment it was when I unwrapped that baby on Christmas Eve! And then getting it to load on my unsupported mac clone! That was a fun week.

Praise mighty Alah for 10.2, and only a month away.