Dies irae, dies illa.Kyrie Eleison... so sad


So sad, on of the pixels on my 17" display is dead. I only noticed it when I ran pixel check.

And while I was looking at it at close range, I noticed lots of other pixles going dead before my eyes. Actually, it was just dust accumulating on the monitor. So I wiped my screen clean, but more dust started to settle.

When I went back to a normal sitting position, niether the dust nor the dead pixel could I see.

My question, why do people make a big deal about dead pixels? They are the size of a piece of dust. In fact, comparing dust to dead pixels, the dust was more of a problem. At close range I had to continually wipe the monitor.

Now, granted, I am no graphics professional, but it seems people complain a lot about dead pixels, and not at all about dust!

Do Graphics professionals have assistants that constantly wipe down their monitors? or do I just have a really dusty dorm room?

What I am saying is, 1 dead pixel (in the exact center of my monitor no less) doesnt bug me at all... I was all worried about getting one eventually. What a waste of worry time.