diNovo Connection Problems


Well, I got the Logitech diNovo Media set with bluetooth and I'm quite impressed. I had to go get another bluetooth adapter to get the mouse to work and hopefully get more use out of the keyboards. However, in Bluetooth Setup Assistant, the keyboard and mediapad only get to the staqe where it requires an entry of a passkey. I enter to key and press enter on whichever one and the setup assistant just stays at that one spot, never changing or anything. Back in System Preferences under Bluetooth > Devices, it says both are paired and configured, but neither is connected. I press the connect buttons on either one but still to no avail. The MX1000 works just great, but the other two just get stuck at that one step in the assistant. Anyone know how to get this fixed?
OK, well, I've been able to get them to connect, just now the computer says it can't recognize the keyboard and asks me to press the button directly to the right of the left Shift key, which is impossible on the mediapad and doesnt want to work with the keyboard itself. Any ideas? Scratch that>> when they connect, the mediapad doesnt even work and the keyboard works for about 30 seconds and then stops working too, while both still continue to say that they are connected. what is keeping them from staying connected? the mouse continues to work fine and hasnt stopped working yet.