Disable OSX Keyboard Shortcuts

Paul Forbes

Hi there,
Does anyone know how to disable some OSX keyboard shortcuts, namely these two:
1) The Command-Tab application switcher.
2) The Command-Opt-D Dock hider.

We want these to be available in specific apps!

- Paul
For number two, you can turn it off in the "Keyboard Shortcuts" section of the "Keyboard" preference pane in System Preferences.

For number one, you're out of luck. No way to turn it off easily unless you want to use some third-party hotkey stuff. Perhaps there's something on versiontracker.com that'll do that.
Unless you're making a game, you shouldn't commandeer universal keyboard commands such as these, especially not Cmd-tab. Why not Cmd-option-tab and Cmd-D, or Cmd-control-tab/D, etc.?