Disconnect Script Failed...

Here's a brief outline of my problem:

While surfing the internet, checking/responding to email, etc., my Internet Connect menulet will randomly display the horizontal scrolling "Disconnecting... Disconnecting..." script - over and over and over and over. It never ends! And it never really disconnects either. When point my mouse over it, the "Disconnect" option is grayed out.

Logging in/out doesn't help.

The only thing that fixes it (i.e., really disconnects the line and enables me to reconnect) is to simply restart the machine.Works, but very annoying, of course, as this interrupts my work flow, etc.

I've checked this forum using "disconnect" and "script" as search words, and found some similar problems in these posts:

problem with internet connection with OS 10.2.6

Modem and reboot

Modem Connection Problems

Similar, but I'm not sure exactly the same. Here's my latest Internet Connect log:

Mon Apr 12 23:19:01 2004 : Dialing 324-9090
Mon Apr 12 23:19:31 2004 : Serial connection established.
Mon Apr 12 23:19:31 2004 : Using interface ppp0
Mon Apr 12 23:19:32 2004 : Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/cu.modem
Mon Apr 12 23:19:37 2004 : local IP address
Mon Apr 12 23:19:37 2004 : remote IP address

That is, this shows a successful connection. Once, before I restarted, I did check the log and it mentioned something (as memory serves me) like: "Internet disconnect script failed". Now what the heck does that mean?

Previous helpful responders seem to say that's a problem with the ISP, or perhaps call waiting. (I do have call waiting.) Very handy mention of a script that would automatically disable, then re-enable, call waiting while offline. If that looks to be the problem, where can I get that handy script?

Thanks in advance for your help!

One other item: The disconnection problem is always on my iBook. The PowerMac is mainly my wife's machine, but she never reports to me the same problem.
I had a similar problem with Jaguar but it seemed to go away in the end with one of the updates. I do remember that unplugging the modem cable from the machine seemed to cause (after a couple more minutes of 'disconnecting') it to realise that it wasn't online and bring up an error message, at least avoiding having to restart.

Also, you don't mention what version of Jaguar you are running, are you up to 10.2.8 (the final Jaguar update) if not it may help to get it.
Thanks for responding, ora!

Sorry for not mentioning my OS more precisely; yes, it's 10.2.8.

I'll try your trick about pulling the modem cable (i.e., the telephone cord) from the iBook until I get an error message or something.