disconnecting while downloading updaters


Is there someplace on 10.2.1 where I can set the internet connection to not disconnect? Should I be disabling sleep mode?? I was downloading the Toast updater and after an hour, it dropped the connection. I don't have a highspeed hookup, just modem 56.
I don't know know how to get these updaters when the files are so large outside of buying the disk for them. Looked in my Mac OS X Missing Manual book and couldn't find any help there.
Thanks, Ricky. I will go check that out for sure. BUT....I want the computer to keep connected for the duration of a download. ...for instance, during the night. Does iGetter keep the connection or does it just allow me to click and resume? The later method will sure tie up the computer.

It could be a problem with your connection (your dialup). You could be stalling then the connection drop comes from a time out.

Sleep mode is not suppose to activate while network activity is present. Your monitor may shut off or power down, but the drive (since it's being written to) will not power down until the download has been finished.