disk copy and itunes burning question


I just bought a firewire enclosure form my Ricoh DVD/cdrw drive that was installed in my PC. I hook it up and all appears to work fine. I can play DVD's with it, I can mount CD's and cdroms... but the one thing I couldn't do was burn a cd. When I go to the system profiler, it shows all the right information for the firewire bus and and the drive itself...with the exception that is says burning not supported.

I do a bit a research, and decide to try out Toast. I get toast installed and to my delight, I can burn cd images and other things that disk copy would not allow.

My question is... if toast can do it, why can't disk copy or itunes. Both of those apps simply say that no supported drive is installed. I may be a wrong, you would think that any atapi driver that is installed in the kernel to make the drive work in the first place would allow for disk copy or itunes to burn a cd... Or is the error of my ways revolving around the fact that the atapi driver isn't being utilized at all because it goes through the firewire port.

Any insight would be helpful.