Disk First Aid


I am having to use Disk First Aid on my OS X partition a least 2 x's a week. My system will start acting up and I will run Disk First Aid from the CD and it will tell me that the catalog record has a incorrect amount and should be fixed. I repair the catalog and everything works perfectly for a couple of days until I repair it again.

Does anyone else have this problem? Is there something I should be doing to keep this from happening?

I love OS X but sure seems very temperamental.
I've only had to use Disk First Aid once.. the day before Thanksgiving when my terminal went kurput and my hard drive went away :(

Disk first aid saved it though, and that's really the only time I've had to use Disk First Aid. Do you have seperate partitions? *shudder* I don't even know how people make partitions on a mac hard drive with OS X! hehe, I hate partitions. I think if they're for storage organization, folders can do just as good of a job.. But maybe you have a partition problem, or your hard drive is going bad? How old is your Mac? Or maybe it's your Logic Board *gasp*.. ok, I'm done playing 20 questions!