Disk Image and Fork Question


Ok, so I planned to backup a good chuck of my hard drive (OSX.1, HFS+) to a Windows PC, temporarily. First, I sent over all of my mp3 music. This was easy, they're all flat files and I even tried a few test cases to see if they would copy to the PC and back and still play.

But now I managed to confuse myself. I want to preserve all of the metadata and all the resource fork junk in the files. So what I figured was that I would make several disk images (.dmg), which would store everything but be flat files themselves, then zip them and send those to the pc.

So, would this work? I'm familiar with resource forks and such (CpMac vs cp, etc...), but I don't know much about disk images. And I've managed to confuse myself by reading some tips that say you can't make a bootable disk image dmg file because it loses some information... Anything you could tell me about disk images would be great.

Oh yeah, the reason I was going to it this way was so I could also have the option of burning the dmgs... which I have hardware issues with, but that's another problem.

Thanks :D
I toyed around with zipping stuff when I was backing Mac stuff on Windows. Your dmg idea sounds even better. I don't know, however, if it will work for you.
