Disk Image appears on desktop randomly


Mac Newbie here. I have downloaded applications to my desktop and then have installed them to my applications. I then trash the disk image on the desktop. All is well, but when I open the application up (Skype, for example), the disk image reappears on my desktop.

How can I get that to stop happening? As far as I can tell, the software is installed correctly.

Thank you in advance
I think you did not install anything, but you simply copied the "disk image" to your applications folder. So, when you open that file, you simply get the image on your desktop, then you have to go to the image window to launch Skype, correct?
You'll see that the image window shows an icon for the Skype app, another icon for Applications, and a faint arrow connecting both icons. So, that's what you need to do - drag the Skype icon to the Applications icon. That will copy the Skype app to your Applications folder, and that's all there is to the install. Then, you can discard the image file.
Skype is now in your Applications folder, and launching Skype from there will no longer open the disk image.

I bet you will find that you did the same thing (copying the image) to the other downloaded apps where you have the same problem.
Thanks for the info Delta. Looks like Skype is working now, but two others apps are appearing. Hmm...maybe I'll uninstall and reinstall.
You mean when you launch Skype, then you get the Skype icon, plus 2 more icons that appear at the same time?
What are those icons?
Mouse across those icons to see the name that is associated with those icons. You can also right-click the icon in the dock, and choose "Show in Finder" to see where that app is located on your hard drive.
If those icons are part of Skype, then you don't really need to uninstall and reinstall. You should consider that 'uninstall and reinstall' is a last choice (when all else fails), not a first choice. Uninstall and reinstall of an individual app is usually not helpful (unless your real goal is just to waste some time). OS X is not Windows, you know, and software troubleshooting methods are very different.