disk utilty no valid packages - need help


this modern love
has anyone ran into this before? This blows my mind!!!!!

A few apps dont work since my 10.3.9 upgrade so I ran Disk Utiltiy to repair permissions and I get a No Valid Packages error. According to apple I should never move a file called BaseSystem.pkg (located in /Library/Receipts), which I didnt, but I think the 10.3.9 upgrade did... I checked out the path and the file is not there....

Anyway the 2 fixes are to 1) reinstall panther, which I cant do cuz of freelance deadlines or 2) to copy this file from another machine and put it in /library/Reciepts.

can anyone help me with this by emailing me this file?


Apples version of whats happening http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25704
Hello, I'm hoping this thread is still valid...

I have an older Mac at my job and the repair permissions has failed because of the BaseSystem.pkg missing from my Receipts folder. I you still have the older version (I'm on 10.4.11), can you please send me this, before the permissions become a major problem?

I don't have the original disks to reinstall from because the owner is the 3rd owner of the machine.

I would be VERY grateful if you could send to: Sherrie@maverickmarketinggroup.com

I need asap!