I noticed this yesterday for the first time. My display dims when not in use after a short while. At the 10 minute mark, when it should go off, it goes off for maybe a second and then pops back on at full intensity.
I haven't play with this much to see if it might be an application doing it but I haven't changed any applications recently either. Mostly its Firefox and Mail.
I tried resetting the pram and I reviewed (but didn't change) the settings of the power preferences and the screen saver (which is essentially off since it comes on after the power saver shuts the screen off).
Anyone seen this before?
I haven't play with this much to see if it might be an application doing it but I haven't changed any applications recently either. Mostly its Firefox and Mail.
I tried resetting the pram and I reviewed (but didn't change) the settings of the power preferences and the screen saver (which is essentially off since it comes on after the power saver shuts the screen off).
Anyone seen this before?