Display Settings


Where does OS X keep the settings for the Displays Preferences including things like resolution, Color depth and refresh rate?
Originally posted by esavas
in the preferances panel on the Dock, just click on that grey apple on your Dock & you will see it...

No, I mean where are the settings stored. I would like to know where the file that holds those settings is.
Even though I have no true idea exactly which file or where within that file, I am pretty sure that all of your preferences are stored in users/"you"/Library/Preferences. Where "you" is replaced by your user directory. There are also a few system wide preferences stored in /Library/Preferences/.
Originally posted by spragueg

No, I mean where are the settings stored. I would like to know where the file that holds those settings is.

They are at /Users/<...>/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.windowserver.<...>.plist

I want to change my refresh rate from 75 to 85 Hz, but the value refers to a mode and so I don't know where to find the right mode (I know my monitor can support 1024x768@85Hz, it worked under PB).
Yeah, I tried changing that file. It does absoloutly nothing. I tried changing the mode and it made no difference. Even after a restart I still get no change.

Any other ideas?