dmg error message - "Device Not Configured"


I'm a new member of the forum - found it during a google search. Seems like an awesome place. Will for sure bookmark and be a frequent visitor!

I just updated Tiger to 10.4.4. Since then I haven't been able to install any additional software because any .dmg file fails to mount - I get the error "Device Not configured."

I have run Repair Disk Permissions, rebooted

Rebooted w/ the Tiger Installation DVD and run Repair Disk Permissions

Rebooted and run Repiar Disk Permissions again.

I continue to get the same error.

Anyone know what else to do?
From this post in the forum:

Delete the file called /System/Library/Extension.kextcache
Delete the folder called /System/Library/Caches/

Welcome to the forums!
Sometimes, by searching first, you can find the answers right away as opposed to having to wait for one of us to help. In this case, you'd just search for "device not configured" and get a whole bunch o results that can help you.

thanks for your quick reply, however, I tried this. After deleting the two files (actually, the second file was a folder, not a file), I rebooted and got the same error.

Any other ideas??
Create another user and log into that account and see if the same thing happens.
Problem solved. Ra3ndy suggested downloading the Mac 4.4 updater and re-installing. Since I couldn't do that on my computer and I'm networked to another, I downloaded it on that one, transferred it across the network - and ran it. Worked like a champ - this was after trying everything else... was getting despirate! Thank you all for your help!
I'm having the same problem - did you use the Mac G4 firmware updater or just the regular 10.4.4 update? How did you open the dmg?