.DMG files and PCs?

Actually even if I could burn a toast file with a PC I would be happy. This is really important.

Thanks all,

You can easily burn a .dmg on a PC, but I wouldn't open it first on the PC.
I need to actually have the CD readable. My Jaguar CDs have been misplaced (I still have all my registration info). I've fubar'd my partition, and need to re-install the OS but am unable to do so. A friend sent me .DMG and .Toast files of Jaguar, but I do not have access to a Mac to burn them. Am I sol?

If you have partitions, drag the burned .dmg to one partition to use to install on another partition. Not sure if it will work that way, but I think it might.
Unfortunately the Mac is completely wiped out. I have one hard disc, with one big partition on it. I am trying to figure out a way of buring a toast file on my PC. I have the toast file, but the problem is, that Mac CDs use HFS.

IF the dmg is a cd master whatever .cdr.dmg you can just rename it .iso and burn the sucker. It depends on how the original was made though but I have burned .cdr.dmg files that way in the past.
