DNS Resolution Issues


I'm getting a weird warning from ssh when connecting from my laptop to my server(yavanna) running linux. All the commands below are run on my laptop running panther. It seems that host can lookup both the ip address and name of the server with no problems but neither ping or ssh are able to look it up for some reason. The name yavanna is handled by the dns server in my wireless router.

Any ideas why?

tmmacpha:~$ host yavanna
yavanna has address

tmmacpha:~$ host domain name pointer yavanna.

tmmacpha:~$ ping yavanna
ping: unknown host yavanna

tmmacpha:~$ ssh
reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for yavanna failed - POSSIBLE BREAKIN ATTEMPT!
Yes, I'm using dhcp but I have it configured to assign static IP addresses based on MAC address. I've confirmed on each machine that they are being assigned correctly. On the other machines, everything resolves correctly too.
Alright well.. It looks like your able to correctly ssh into your yavanna computer. Ignore that message that you get, even though it says that there might be a possible breakin attempt i doubt it. Check around your logs and see if there is any activity showing that someone has been there, or been trying to cover up their tracks. Are you using ssh with a root/admin account? like i said dont worry about it.. read the apple document 88461 http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=88461 that will explain issues like those.

I know that it isnt actually a break in attempt. What bothers me is that some things (ping, ssh) cant seem to resolve the dns name of my server to an ip address while others (nslookup, host, dig) can.