Do I have AGP??????


I am confused as to what video card I can get. When I look at system profiler under OS X, and I look at devices, it says PCI with an arrow linking to Slot A and Slot B. Slot B is empty, but slot A has (AGP) next to it, in parentheses. Does this mean I can get an AGP card?
Open the case.
Look near the bottom to find the PCI slots.
Look for one looking like them, but being a bit further into the mobo. There should be a card in this.
If you have this, then it's the AGP slot. If you don't have it you have a PCI video card.

Looking at , I'd guess you have AGP
Well what card do you have now?

I have a 466mhz G4 tower and i think its the same year as yours and yes I have AGP slot card.

But be careful. I'm not sure PC cards will work. I know if i ever wanted to get a new one from my geforce 2 mx it woul dhave to be a mac special one since i have monitor that requires ADC. But the thing is a Geforce4 is 499! what a joke. So when my computer is old i will replace with a new one not pay that much just for a video card!
Have you ever heard about "Mactracker", the little software that tells you a lot of EVERY Mac ever built?

Well, if you have a Dual PowerMac... you must have AGP... and if you read it somewhere in the system... like you did... you can feel good! ;)

You have AGP... and you can check it too looking at it... it is the only slot that should be occupied by a card... and it looks different from the others that look similar and are usually white or black...

You should have an AGP 2x slot...
Easy way. Look at the Speaker and Mic ports, in and out. If they are vertical, it's an AGP machine, it horizontal, it's a PCI.
I'm pretty sure that the dual 500 is an AGP machine (wasn't the 400 the highest Yikes! machine?), but like everyone said, i'd just go to mactracker and check.
