do you honestly think...


The All Seeing
well, i started this thread in regards to another one regarding OSX for Intel. This isnt THAT much of an off-beat theory. I personally believe that IF this were to be true, apple wouldnt make the OS all that similar to the OS for Apple, and it most likely will be very high end server based OS. So it wont hurt apple in the HW dept.
Originally posted by allengoodman
But what would make them want to do such a thing? Why not just run FreeBSD?

if you mean why would the PC industry want to use OSX, its simple. Its easier, and ALOT more powerfull and flexible than Windows. If you mean why would apple want to? Thats even more simple. Its not only a good source of money, but it would also be somewhat of an inexpensive way to see how the PC community would take to osx on that maybe one day apple could port a good desktop os for the average user on pc.