Do you use Apple mail or other?

Do you use Apple's Mail program?

  • Yes

  • No, other program

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Ministry of Re-Education
I use MS Entourage. It came with Office X. I like it. There were some really cool things about Apple Mail but it was a little too simple for my taste, and it didn't have a built in calendar. What do you use?
i used to be an entourage guy but i switched.

i now use apple mail. it has its plus and minuses, but overall, it serves my needs.

i wish there was better integration with iCal though.

the only ms product i have to rid of using is excel and word.

I use Apple mail to access my at&t and hotmail account. I find it cuts out a large majority of the spam that i usually receive.
For my needs Mail works fine. Entourage has some nice features, including the intergration with a calendar. Lets hope that mail will integrate with ical in Panther!!

The personalities feature is essential for me. It allows me to assign different usernames to the same account so my wife's mail shows up in recipients box as from her and mine shows up as from me. Also I can set up different personalities to send from any number of ISPs depending on where I send from (my work, my wife's office, home etc)

The version 6 (a beta) has excellent spam blocking.
I have been using Entourage for a while. I made the move to mail/adress book/cal a while back, when iSynch arrived. I actually like it. Especially mail. But, I had to go back. My main reason for using Entourage, besides it's great functionality, was it's super easy and perfect synch with my Palm OS devices. Always works. Apple's Adress Book's fields don't all match up, and has no real customization as far as catagories, and stuff like that. Other things really stunk about it too (in my opinion). Doesn't match up to Entourage, and maybe other apps. iCal, well, that screwed everything up. Duplicates, and all sorts of a mess. Maybe it's fixed now, but I don't know. Again, I think Ent outdoes it.So, Mail is the only iLike. Why use Entourage for everything but mail. It works just as well as Mail, maybe better, maybe the same. Mail looks better in my opinion. I like the paper airplane. But, that's not enough. So, that's my tale of not using the Apple products. I'm sure, once it's all equal, I'll give Apple another shot.

By the way, not to knock Eudora, I used to use it prior to Entourage's release. Loved it. But Ent does all that you mentioned above, and I prefer it. At the time Ent seemd to blow it away. It may have caught up. Don't know.
I've switched from Entourage because Mail has a better and simple interface. Although Mail has its quirks, I am willing to use Mail over anything M$.
I use Eudora, I tried but the program is less powerfull managing the mail. Eudora puts all the attachs in a diferent folder. The mail folder is the same no matter what eudora version you use. And when Eudora crashes (only 4 or 5 times in the past 2 years) you don't loose nothing. And you can configure the program to leave the messages on server at will. In Maill you can only choose from one day or one week. In Eudora you can choose more than one day or week.
gyaz mail... it's simple and easy to use... (and it's still free -- it will be shareware in future -- ) i like that i can change the colors of the pages and letters to my taste and the filtering is nice too (there is no calendar with it though but i'm happy to use other calendars) i tried apple mail but i didn't like the filters, i tried entourage but it seemed to be too complicated for me...
i have only used in OSX. it seems nice enough. I do have entourage though, maybe i will give it a try. Is it basically outlook, but for osx?
eudora sounds cool as well. looks like i will have to play around this week :)
when you fool around in eudora, switch of the icons. They are more than a little dated, and the keyboard shortcuts are straight forward. then it's very aquaish
There is a plugin bundle that you can find on VersionTracker - I believe its called httpmail or something - that lets Apple Mail access Hotmail.

The other must have bundle is GPGMail, which integrates PGP encryption and authentication into your mail messages. Its very well done and adds a couple of buttons to the toolbar.

I find that Apple Mail is more than enough for my needs.
Mail does for me what an email client should do. It doesn't have the 'to do' and calender thingy. That's good. I wouldn't want it. You *can* interact with Address Book etc. if you want but you don't have the whole bulk forced on you at once all the time. That's exactly why I don't like Netscape/Mozilla either. I like slick apps that do their job and interoperate when I want them to.
I still use Eudora (Ugh), I don't know if its my setup or what, but Apple Mail seems to want to index every time I click on a mail box. My mail boxes have 2 years worth of mail so this makes the indexing to take forever. Hopefully the Apple Mail included in Panther fixes this.

The personalities feature is essential for me. It allows me to assign different usernames to the same account so my wife's mail shows up in recipients box as from her and mine shows up as from me. Also I can set up different personalities to send from any number of ISPs depending on where I send from (my work, my wife's office, home etc)

The version 6 (a beta) has excellent spam blocking.

I agree fully ATQUE completely! :)