Do you view signatures?

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web developer
Are your preferences set to view or hide signatures? I'm just wondering if people are reading my random quotes :p

Nice avatar, Bob! :) I almost thought it was a bear, until I looked closer at it... maybe if you can get a wider version...
Arden, I remember you mentioned someones signature once telling you like it. It was about windows and gates...
Loved it too, but lost it. Post it here and the owner too ;)
lol, just found it again
Qwikstreet's signature:

In a world without walls or fences, what use do we have for Windows or Gates?

:D :D
I stop putting quotes in my sigs since for some reason my quotes seem to spark political drable... when I absolutely despise politics... :confused:
No sigs here, some take more place than the post.
Unless this new forum version automatically displays them smaller than post text (s'thing like an automatic size=1 tag...). 'll check that.
I usually read them, unless they are longer than the average post, short and simple is far more effective, imvho.