Dock magnifcation and Logitech MX1000 mouse


I'm occasionally encountering an odd problem in Tiger on my G5, and I'm wondering if anyone else knows more about it?

I have a Logitech MX1000 "laser mouse" on my system, and it's worked perfectly for me in the past (under Panther).

Initially, it still appeared to be just fine with Tiger after I did the upgrade install, but after I use the machine long enough - I keep running into an issue where rolling the mouse pointer over the dock no longer makes the icons magnify. Moreover, at least twice, it seems like if I keep on using it this way - ignoring the "glitch", it has gotten worse ... where it acts as though one of the mouse buttons is being held down or something. I think the first time it happened, I was able to get it back to normal by simply powering the mouse off and back on, and pressing the buttons on base and mouse to re-synch the wireless signal. But subsequent times I've had this issue, that hasn't done a thing.

I'm starting to wonder if this is really a problem with my mouse, or if it's something else going on. I have 3GB of memory in this machine, so I don't think it's a problem of things getting "weird" due to low system resources!

Any other MX1000 mouse users out there?
Well here's the obvious question: have you tried a different mouse? A wired one perhaps, just to see if it's the wireless thing that is the culprit.
Lycander, I haven't yet swapped out mice - but that's certainly something I was about to try next. I just realized, too, I was using "USB Overdrive" and hadn't updated it to the latest "Tiger compatible" version. It looks like USB Overdrive wasn't even managing my mouse though; just a Logitech wireless joystick controller ... but I just tried turning on mouse management in it. Maybe the current version with that enabled will iron things out for me?

In any case, I was just hoping other MX1000 laser mice users running OS X 10.4 might comment. If this was a known issue MX1000 users are all having, no need for me to swap around mice and all....
I have an MX1000, and I've never seen the dock issue you describe.

I'm still using the Logitech drivers included with the mouse, and it continues to work perfectly even after a Tiger upgrade.