dock orientation

If you guys want an app switcher, just press command+option+esc
it will stay infront of all your apps and you can dubble click on an app to switch to it. If an app ever crashes u can easyly force quit too!
Woah. I didn't know the "Force Quit" dialog could be used for switching apps too. I woulda' thought double-clicking would quit the app. Great tip (for those with screen space).

Well I think I figured out why Apple hasn't implemented the orientation/pinning features officially. You may have heard about the bug that caused the dock to leave the last part of the poof behind. I did some testing and (on my computer at least) it only does this if the dock is not in its default position. There are a few graphical glitches when the Dock is vertical but they are not serious.
I've only had the poof stay when my dock was in the default position.. oh well. I was thinking the glitch was with window positioning. Oh well, at least they didn't weld the options shut.

Actually, I've only had that happen when my system was very new, then it never happened again. Aslong as they have plans to bring it back, otherwise we'll all go for 3rd party docks. ;-)