dock won't accept icons


Supervised Member of life
I have an iBook (300mhz) and it's only got 64 mg ram.

I know, I'm getting more, but I have to find money first.

anyway, it's running fine, just a little slow. Except when I drag anything (app, folder, onion) to the dock, it will open up, but not accept it.

if I open the app, and choose [keep in dock] then it will stay.


PS what can I do to speed up things untill I get more ram.

and, does anyone in Oz want to sell some ram at a good price?
... I'm surprised that you are satisfied with OS X on your iBook.. but I guess I should take into account that OS X isn't bloatware compared to Windows XP.

Probably the best thing to do for your computer would be to enable window compression... windows take up SOOO much memory, and compression helps a lot. So go to , and search for "WinCompress" (no, that doesn't compress Microsoft Windows for you). Download it and run it -- it's an easy automatic way to enable window compression.

Other than that, I would recommend that you change the dock minimization effect to scale, and that you change the number of colors to thousands. Oh, and get more RAM. ;)

As to your problem with the Dock icons, are you sure you are dragging them to the right place in the dock? It sounds like you are, but I just wanted to make sure. Applications must be on the left side of the dock (the side where the trash ISN'T).
yes I will try that win compress.

I have read some about it, but what I read involved some terminal work, and I'm not that brave yet. Maybe it's just lazy.

I guess i'm only satisfied with OS X because I know it's only got 64mb to work with. but it's not restrictive enough to go back to 9.2

thanks again for the help.