Does anyone know where the Network prefs/setting file are hidden?


Hi all
Can someone please help me find where the Network prefs are hidden in OSX10.3.5. My system got messed and now I'm having all sorts of troubles getting my Airport network working again cos a friend set it up and I don't know the passwords or settings. It would be a great help if I could copy the TCP/IP and Airport settings across to the new system.

Any help greatly appreciated.

The ACTUAL preferences?

Click the Blue Apple at the top of the screen on the left, go to System Preferences, click Network.
i reckon what you need is the .plist for your internet settings. although i'm quite sure this is what you're looking for, i do not know where you can find it. some of the more experienced users will certainly know, and probably help you out within a couple of hrs..

(Just guesses)

your User folder>Library>
your User folder>Library>
If you look in "System Preferences" and a pane called "Network" doesn't appear, then you might need to delete the following file:

Users > (your username) > Library > Caches >

Be sure to delete it while System Preferences is not running, then open System Preferences again and look for "Network."