Does "Classic" Work At All?


Hi folks. I'm new to this forum . . . a looonnggg time Mac user but a brand new OS X and Dual G4 user.

Not one of my OS 9 programs will function in "Classic" mode and I'm wondering if it really works at all or I have a lemon. Be it Photoshop 6, Filemaker Pro, Page Maker, even Simple Text! They all open but if I attempt to click in somewhere on the window they either close or crash. (BTW, most things work if I start up with OS 9).

What's the secret???

Thanks, Bill
Do a search on this forum for creating a Classic Extension Set... That will help you figure out how to creat a Classic environment that does not have any unnecessary Extensions.

I don't have PageMaker installed, but the rest of the programs you mention run fine on my machine in both OS 9 and OS X Classic. My PhotoShop is 5.5 and my FileMaker is 4.0.
definitly search the site first - there are several possible solutions for this i believe. one thing to try is to allocate more memory to your classic apps.. they still need manual memory mangement. some of them seem to require a little more memory in classic. related to this, you might need more physcial ram. the minimum apple preinstalls just don't cut it.
This must be some extension conflict, I run Photoshop 6, Filemaker Pro, Simple Text and a lot of other apps in classic and it works better than in OS-9.
My thanks to all replies. I had searched Apples site for days and could find no help for this problem. BUT, thanks to you folks, I a few hours, my problem is now solved. It was, in fact, an extension problem.

I don't know yet which extention, but I created a "Classic" extension set (in the OS 9 System Folder/control panel/extension manager) and included only the minimum necessary extentions. From nothing working, now virtually ALL of my software is working and side by side with OS X applications.

Smiling again, Fletcher
Yay! Another happy 9 swither!

It seems it's harder to get OS 9 switchers to go to X than Windows users nowadays, eh?
i dunno if you have room, but i like to install a seperate "classic" os on another drive besides my os9 install. works good for me and for people ive done it for, takes up not too much more room on newer computers :)

btw idunno if its actually useful to do that or not :confused: