Does Darwin 1.0a2 work?


I have a working version of Xfree86 4.1 installed. When I install Darwin 1.0a2, I no longer have a working version. Does anyone have any tips?


XDarwin starts, choose either rootles or rooted options, nothing happens, Xdarwin quits.
works fine for me.

I removed the 1.0a1 and installed 1.0a2.

I always start via command line 'startx -- -quartz' and not the dock X icon.
While I have had no problems, this had been mentioned on the Fink-users mailing list. Someone has posted a solution that might work (not having the problem, I can't see if this works):

XDarwin 1.0a2 wants to create a socket the first time you run it, but this can only be done as root. So try typing

sudo startx -- -quartz

in the Terminal and giving it your password. Hopefully, you can then quit your X-11 session and run it as a normal user forever on then.
I get this

[user1:/] root# startx -- -quartz

waiting for X server to begin accepting connections .
.. many of these
^Cxinit: No such file or directory (errno 2): unexpected signal 2
Also, what does your .xinitrc file look like?

P.S. The tip I gave you doesn't seem to have worked for everyone (but it looks like for different reasons). If any other suggestions come up, I'll post them.