Does Drive 10 take days for you to optimize too?


Do not read this sign.
I finally took the plunge, now that Drive 10 (Drive10 for the forums' search engine) does defragging. My half-full (half-empty?) 60GB iMac drive had 30-some thousand file fragments and 30-some thousand disk fragments. It looked like a screen door!

Well, I'm going on 12-hours of letting Drive 10 have at it, and it's only about 5% complete. At this rate it won't be done until next year! Never mind that it's Dec 29 now.

Have any of you found this typical? Or is my severely fragmented hard drive the easy scapegoat?

Jaguar 10.2.3
The last and only time I ran Drive 10's defrag, it ended up fraggin' my drive instead. Everything was lost. Luckily I had backed up the entire drive a week or so prior, so not too much was lost.

I hope you have a better experience than I did.

I now rely on Disk Warrior & Plus Optimizer to handle my hard drive problems.

Drive10 on a burnt CD takes ages to launch/defrag/and so on. Drive10 legal copies are fast and reliable in my own experience of the thing.
I'm not sure what the distinction is you're trying to make, but I'm booting off a FireWire drive to do mine.

Sorry if I was unclear -

Legal copies should run fine. I know burnt ones (ie not legal) won't, because burnt drives are harder to access in boot mode.