Does iSync requires Palm Desktop, or HotSync Manager in the Palm Desktop?


Does iSync require Palm Desktop, or only the HotSync manager to work?

I am currently using the HotSync Manager without the Palm Desktop (because I use Entourage conduit), do I need to install Palm Desktop in order for iSync to work?

Is iSync synchronizing with the Palm Desktop database, or is it really synchronizing with the Palm through HotSync manager?
It should not need Palm desktop, since iCal and the addressbook is suposed to be a replacement for it. Will hopefully know more tonight. I am helping my father getting all his palmdesktop-calender stuff to iCal (so he dont have to keep double calenders), and if it works he will ditch Palm desktop.
iSync uses Palm's HotSync Manager with a conduit. So basically, you should keep Palm Desktop with everything that belongs to it installed. You might not need the Palm Desktop application itself, but then again it doesn't come up automatically, either. Just forget about it after using iSync for the first time.
iSync does not need Palm Desktop only HosSync Manager. I was able to sync between my Palm VX with my AddressBook, iCal events and ToDo's through Cradle with USB connector last night. Then ran iSync to my .mac account and then iSync to another machine. Very cool.
Can you sync memos via iSync and HotSync manager without using Palm Desktop? What application do you use to view these memos, and to create new memos, if not Palm Desktop?
Hmm... why doesnt palm desktop update it's date- and addressbook since i started using iSync? everything is good with apples adressbook and iCal, but i thought palm desktop would still correspond with the handheld.